Role Of B6, Zinc, Biotin and Omega 6 Fats | Vitality and Wellness

Vitamin B6, Zinc, Biotin and the Omega 6 Fatty Acid called Gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA) are nutrients that are required by your body to perform many essential functions and a deficiency in these nutrients may contribute to the variety of health issues previously mentioned. In addition to that list we have also provided here a number of health conditions that a deficiency in one or more of these nutrients may contribute to, but as yet are not linked to Pyroluria.

Cardiovascular Disease

Abnormal blood clotting Atherosclerosis Cardiovascular disease
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Heart attack High blood pressure
Intermittent claudication Ischemic heart disease Sideroblastic anaemia
Stroke Thrombosis Dilated cardiomyopathy
Raynaud’s disease

Digestive System

Celiac disease Crohn’s disease Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid)
Leaky gut syndrome Ulcers Vomiting


Age related hearing loss Sensorineural Hearing Loss Tinnitus


Age related macular degeneration Cataracts Diabetes retinopathy
Dry eyes Night blindness Retinitis pigmentosa

Immune System

Aids Allergies Bacteria infections
Cancer Colds Fungal infections
Glandular fever Inflammation Influenza
Viral Infections


Cholesterol elevated Chronic fatigue syndrome Diabetes mellitus type 1
Diabetes mellitus type 2 Fatigue Fatty liver
Hypothyroidism Insulin resistance Lethargy

Muscular Skeletal System

Backache Carpal tunnel syndrome Fibrocystic breast disease
Muscle weakness Night muscle cramps Psoriatic arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis Tardive dyskinesia

Nervous System

Alzheimer’s disease Anorexia nervosa Bulimia
Loss of smell Migraine Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease Stress

Respiratory System

Asthma Colds Infections
Influenza Pneumonia Tonsillitis

Sexual System

Birth defects Cervical dysplasia Decreased sexual desire
Enlarged prostate Male infertility Miscarriage
Morning sickness Period pain Preeclampsia
Prostatitis Testicle shrinkage


Boils Dry Skin Itching
Red tongue Rosacea Scleroderma
Skin ulcers Split Lips Warts
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