• NatroVital Chaste Tree
$32.85 AUD
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NatroVital Chaste Tree 100ml Tincture

  • Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus), also known as monk's pepper or chasteberry, has a rich history of traditional uses across various cultures. Its berries have been employed for centuries to address a range of female reproductive health concerns. In traditional herbal medicine, Chaste Tree has been used to alleviate symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as mood swings, breast tenderness and bloating. Additionally, it has been valued for its potential to regulate irregular menstrual cycles and promote hormonal balance. The herb's reputation as a natural remedy for promoting fertility and easing menopausal discomfort has also endured through time. In men it was tradionally used to reduce sexual urges. While modern research continues to explore its efficacy, Chaste Tree remains a symbol of the longstanding interplay between nature and traditional medicine in supporting women's well-being.

    Herbs have been used for thousands of years as a natural form of medicine to support health and well-being. Traditional herbal remedies have been passed down through generations and across cultures, harnessing the power of nature to promote overall wellness.

    Herbs contain various compounds and constituents that can have therapeutic properties. These natural compounds interact with our bodies in different ways, supporting bodily functions, addressing imbalances and promoting health. Herbs are used to support various aspects of well-being, including physical, mental and emotional health.

    Herbal medicine offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, working in synergy with the body's natural healing mechanisms to address underlying imbalances and promote overall wellness rather than targeting isolated symptoms. By harnessing the wisdom of nature, herbs provide a rich source of bioactive compounds that support various bodily functions, such as digestion, detoxification and cardiovascular health. Incorporating herbs like NatroVital Chaste Tree into a holistic approach to health can be a valuable addition to improve hormonal health, increase energy and contribute to a balanced and vibrant life.

    Please click on the tabs above for Ingredients and FAQ's.

  • NatroVital Chaste Tree Ingredients

    Each 1ml Serve contains 500mg of Organic Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus)

    NatroVital Chaste Tree Excipients:

    • Vegetable Glycerine and Purified Grander Water: Vegetable glycerine serves as a natural sweetener and preservative, while the purified Grander water, free from chlorine and fluoride, ensures a clean and refreshing base for the herbal tonic. These carefully selected excipients contribute to the quality, purity and overall effectiveness of NatroVital Chaste Tree.
    • 100% Alcohol-Free: Chaste Tree is crafted to be 100% alcohol-free, providing a gentle and non-irritating formula. This makes it suitable for individuals who prefer alcohol-free options or those who may be sensitive to alcohol-based products.
    • Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans: NatroVital Chaste Tree is consciously designed to meet the needs of individuals following vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. It is free from any animal-derived ingredients, allowing individuals to incorporate it into their dietary preferences and ethical choices.
  • What is the recommended dosage for Chaste Tree?
    The adult daily dose of Chaste Tree is 2.5ml to 6ml per day. Ideally taken morning and night
    What is the optimal method of taking Chaste Tree?
    We recommend adding the prescribed dosage of Chaste Tree to a measuring cup and then filling it with water or juice. Drink the mixture in its entirety, ensuring that you also consume any residue remaining in the measuring cup.
    Is Chaste Tree formulated with any preservatives or artificial ingredients?
    No, Natrovital Chaste Tree solely consists of Vegetable Glycerine and Purified Water, both free from Chlorine and Fluoride. It does not contain any added artificial flavours, colourings, sweeteners, or preservatives. Chaste Tree is also free from animal products, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, corn, or soy.
    Is Chaste Tree appropriate for Vegans and Vegetarians?
    Absolutely, NatroVital Chaste Tree is suitable for both Vegans and Vegetarians since it does not contain any animal products.
    Are there any contraindications for using NatroVital Chaste Tree?
    Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is generally considered safe for most people. However, there are certain interactions and contraindications to be aware of, especially when using Chaste Tree in combination with other medications or herbs. Hormonal Medications: Chaste Tree may impact hormonal levels in the body. Avoid using Chaste Tree while taking hormonal medications like birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, or medications related to fertility treatments, as it might interfere with their effects. Dopamine-Related Medications: Chaste Tree may influence dopamine levels in the brain. If you're taking medications that affect dopamine levels, such as antipsychotic medications, consult a healthcare professional before using Chaste Tree. Dopamine Agonists: Chaste Tree might interact with medications that are dopamine agonists, commonly used to treat conditions like Parkinson's disease and restless leg syndrome. The herb's potential dopaminergic effects could lead to unwanted interactions. Antipsychotic Medications: Chaste Tree's impact on dopamine receptors might interfere with antipsychotic medications, potentially reducing their efficacy. Birth Control and Hormonal Treatments: Chaste Tree's influence on hormones could counteract the effects of hormonal contraceptives and hormone-related therapies. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before adding Chaste Tree to your health regimen, especially if you are taking prescription medications or have underlying health conditions. They can provide personalised guidance based on your specific situation and help you avoid any potential interactions or contraindications.
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    The active ingredients in NatroVital Chaste Tree when professionally prescribed may assist patients suffering from specific health conditions.

    This statement does not imply or claim a cure for disorders treated with NatroVital Chaste Tree. Therefore its use should be based on published scientific and clinical data as well as traditional uses.

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