Pyroluria and Candida
Candida (a fungal yeast overgrowth) and Pyroluria or Pyrrole Disorder (an inability to utilise zinc, vitamin B6 and biotin) are two conditions that may seem worlds apart. But for a portion of people suffering from Pyroluria, they are intrinsically linked. While Candida is present, there will never be a complete resolution from Pyroluria or Pyrrole Disorder.
What is Candida and how does it impact Pyroluria?
Candida Candida is a fungal overgrowth that embeds its rhizoid's into the intestinal wall causing intestinal inflammation and damage, in particular, Leaky Gut Syndrome. Candida secretes a variety of chemicals and toxins into the bloodstream, specifically acetaldehyde, which suppress immune and liver function. For a sufferer of Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder, any damage to the intestinal wall or an increase in toxic exposure leads to an elevation of hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL). HPL is the chemical measure in a Pyroluria Test to determine the severity of the condition.
How does Pyroluria worsen Candida?
Pyroluria reduces the availability of zinc and studies have shown that a zinc deficiency increases the susceptibility to Candida plus increases the proliferation of existing Candida infestations. Zinc is also essential to improve the integrity of the intestinal wall and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome. Zinc bolsters immune function, but deficiencies in immune function allow for the spread of Candida. Biotin deficiency is common with Pyroluria sufferers and suppresses Candida by inhibiting Candida albicans from converting into its more active rhizoid form. Vitamin B6 deficiency results in immune suppression an elevation of inflammation and a reduction of the immune cells that control Candida.
How do I know if I have Candida?
There are a few telltale signs that Candida may be a problem and warrant further
- Cravings for sugar, alcohol and carbohydrates such as bread and pasta
- Sweet tooth
- Skin rashes such as tinea, ringworm, fungal skin rash, or fungal growth under the nails
- Thrush
- Thick white coat on the tongue
- Frequent antibiotic use, or long term use of the birth control pill
I have Candida, what should I do?
Vitality and Wellness offers a comprehensive Candida Protocol based on treating patients though our clinic how have suffered from Candida. This protocol includes nutritional supplements to kill the Candida, dietary advice and a 80 page recipe booklet.
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